Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Episode #42: "The Kids are Alright"

Our episode review of "The Kids are Alright" can be found here

*Thanks to Josh for joining me this week on the analysis discussion.
*Thanks to Kristen, Beth and Annie for the great episode recap.

Changelings and Doppelgangers by Greg

The song of the night tonight is “Remember” by Black Lab. Brought to you by the podshow podsafe music network.


Anonymous said...

I do not like the new recap format. You do such a great job on the podcasts you do not need cohosts! The show is so much more than giggling girls, please go back to doing the show by yourself!!

Anonymous said...

I'll second that comment! You and Josh did a great job (as always)with the analysis, but the recap made me cringe a bit. If you want help with the recap, maybe it can be done by just one of the girls, but with all three it was a little bit like a slumber party conversation.

Anonymous said...

Thirding the giggling girls objection. I forwarded through to get past it. You and Josh are fine. In fact, I prefer the podcast with the second voice and Josh does a good job.

Ditch the pajama party gigglers.


Anonymous said...

I disagree. I like the recap format. The podcast deserves a little humor added in and the girls enjoy the episodes and it shows. It's nice to include some more perspectives from the fans.

Anonymous said...

Well, I personally like the new re-cap format. When it was just Ellen doing the recap, I would sometimes have to skip it entirely. She's got a great voice for radio, but sometimes its just too monotonous and soothing and I can't focus on what she's actually saying. I think the new girls bring in a differing view of the show and it's a good thing. I can actually pay attention to them, and I like the humor.
I also enjoy having Josh on the podcast now, and I really like the dialogue between the two of you, don't get me wrong.
I like how it is now, and please keep it that way!

Anonymous said...

One more to add on the recap. Perhaps just one of the girls would be ok, but I think the pajama party parallel is quite exact.

Glad to see Josh has remained and is adding more insight.

Thanks for the podcast - I look forward to it every week!

Anonymous said...

I liked the recap it sounded like they were having fun and it is obvious that they love the show. Honestly they didn't sound much different that Josh and Ellen’s discussion. I think that it's great that there are more than just Josh and Ellen, it's always interesting to hear someone else’s point of view and they always see something new. The discussion of doppelganger was to long and should have been saved for and episode that actually has a doppelganger in it.

Anonymous said...

Ugh! What was with the candy munchin' chicks in the beginning? It was like sitting in a room with a bunch fifteen year olds... perhaps one or two would be okay, or if they managed to chew with their mouths closed.