Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Episode #48: "A Very Supernatural Christmas"

Our episode review of "A Very Supernatural Christmas" can be found here

*Thanks to Josh and guest hosts Shari and Renee for the analysis discussion.
*Thanks to Kristen and Samantha for the great episode recap.
*Is that candy on your breath, Santa? Or perhaps something for the 21+ year old crowd?
*What's the deal with the bloody amulet, Kripke?

*Krampus, pagan gods, and meadowsweet oh my!

*Silent Night- two versions, one by Sam and Dean
*Deck the Halls
*Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas

The song of the night tonight is “Bad Weather” by Thundas Ink Brought to you by the podshow podsafe music network.


kborash said...

Great podcast, Ellen! The discussion was great, and although you weren't there, the two new girls fit in beautifully. The sound was also really good! I know it was hard for you to put it together but I really appreciate it! It's getting me excited for Supernatural again :)

Lara said...

Thanks so much for the podcast! It's great to have a recap after the show and helps me get through the proceeding days til the next epi. ;)

On a personal note I'm so sorry for the loss of your father. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Ellen said...

thank you!