Sunday, May 11, 2008

Episode #54: "Long Distance Call"

Our episode review of "Long Distance Call" can be found here

*Thanks to Josh for joining me for the analysis discussion.
*Thanks to Kristen and Alyssa for the great episode recap.


The song of the night tonight is "“The Way We Talk” by The Maine. Brought to you by the podshow podsafe music network.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Jeffrey Dean Morgan couldn't come back because his schedule didn't allow. I know he was filming a movie on a soundstage near by, maybe he had just enough time to pop on over to the sound truck and record some lines.
Also, the crocotta sandwich remark came from the actual crocotta. Remember Sam realized that it was the crocotta who had called him, not actually Dean.
Great podcast as usual guys!

Anonymous said...

I was going to point out the same mistake in your criticism that Kristen caught, but the real reason I got ambitious enough to visit your website and make a comment is that I have finally caught up to your present podcasts after subscribing a few months ago.

I appreciate the thought and effort that is put into the informational segment that deals with the supernatural and various references. It is thorough and very interesting. I also enjoy the music that you share with us. I feel it's a perfect touch to a Supernatural podcast, very much in "tune" with something we all love about the show.

Thank you for spending your time and making the effort to bring people a little bit more of Supernatural. The experience definitely adds up to more than 'a little', at least for me!

Anonymous said...

Aw, man. Kristen got there before me. Lol. Yeah, the sandwich thing was the Crocotta itself, so that's why Dean knew all about it afterwards. :]
Awesome podcast. Season finale tomorrow!!
I'm incredibly nervous. :/

Anonymous said...

Great podcast, great episode, this season has wrapped up nicely. Now we just have to wait until fall to get any new ones . . . . . ( The finale was awesome !)